
Day: June 13, 2013


The Management Body proceeded to the marking of the protected area. Specifically: 15 signs with information material were placed at several places in the protected

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Photo exhibition

For the celebration of the 50th anniversary since the declaration of the National Park, the Management Body of Samaria National Park organized a photography exhibition,

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6th National Congress of Ecology

The Management Body of Samaria National Park participated in the 6th National Congress of Ecology, “Ecological Research in Greece: Trends, Challenges and Applications”, University of

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Recording & monitoring of bird species of Directive 79/409/EEC & other protected species

  • Monitoring of 256 bird species
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Contracting Authority: SamariaNational
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Capra aegagrus cretica

Helicopter hiring for the purpose of recording and monitoring of the population of the wild goat (Capra aegagrus cretica)

  • Duration: until the end of
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Recording & monitoring of fauna species of Directive 92/43/EEC & other protected habitats & species

    • Monitoring of habitat type

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